Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Indoctrinate-U a must see

Indoctrinate-U is a documentary on the sad state of modern American academia. It thoroughly documents how liberals have taken over our universities and basically eliminated any conservative voice. While liberals always claim to stick up for free speech, Indoctrinate-U documents a number of cases where conservative students and professors were harassed, sued and forced to undergo disciplinary hearings just for being Republican or conservative.

In one scene, a conservative professor was told how she would not have been hired if the hiring committee knew she was a Republican!

Indoctrinate-U really does a great job at exposing the intellectual hypocrisy of liberals in academia and I hope to show it on Fordham's campus either this semester or next. I've always maintained that Fordham is much better off than Columbia or NYU, but we still have our fair share of liberal biases.

Visit http://www.indoctrinate-u.com/intro/ for more information on the film.