Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fidel Castro's daughter coming to Fordham!!!

The American Age Lecture Series is hosting Alina Fernandez Revuelta, the daughter of Fidel Castro. Before you get all up in arms as I did at first, she is actually a huge critic of her father’s regime. She escaped Cuba by pretending to be a Spanish tourist. Once she reached Spain, she moved to Miami where she now hosts a radio show where she denounces her mass murdering father and his Communist thugs.

While the CR’s aren’t hosting this event, it is nonetheless a great one to have on this campus, especially considering we hosted Humberto Fontova last semester. Last semester we exposed Che Guevara and now Fidel Castro has it coming to him. You’ve got to love a college that actually brings people who stand up for freedom and American values instead of the terrorists (I mean presidents) of Iran and Libya.

Ms. Revuelta will be speaking on Thursday, April 24 at 7:00 PM in Keating 1st auditorium. I hope a lot of people will come to this event. Despite what we know about Castro, it seems as if many liberals in this country still don’t view him as the murdering dictator he is.

Here is more information on Revuelta: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alina_Fern%C3%A1ndez

As a side note, watch for a featured article on the future of Cuba by Humberto Fontova in the first issue of the Liberty Forum, which will be coming out on April 21st.